what is life ? ( Motivation)

 What is the Importance of life ?

What is life ?

Life is the best thing that human being has even got . But do you know what life stands for , do you know the importance of life . 

Let's start from the start :-

 Life Is different for everyone , for a poor  life is,  to get food and basic needs  and have all facilities that one consume . Middle class dreams to have a wealthy life and a rich businessman dreams to expand his business is the main goal of his life . But  readers this is not  life. This is somewhat  selfishness .

  Real meaning of life is to enjoy every moment of it . 

Psychological definition of life :- 

According to psychology it is the characteristic that distinguish the physical and biological entity .

Life is a journey but almost everyone has made life as a race . People in today's society are making life as a game they are just playing with their life , no time to spend with their friends , family members just busy in their work . People have no time to spend with their families. And the main goal of these people is to earn money . 
Life is the most valuable thing that God has offered us and we all are just wasting it in earning money . This needs to stopped . One need to understand , that life is a journey where a person has to enjoy every moment of it. 
So from today let's start a new journey , journey of life .

Sharing you the best tips to make your life more beautiful :-

1) Enjoy every moment of life .

2) Don't be stressed . 
( Try to reduce stress from your life . Free your mind from unusual thing . )

3) Stay positive and calm.
( This is the main thing that every one lacks . But make yourself different. Stay positive and stay calm . Because it will make your brain relaxed )

4) This is your life , follow your own rules .

I hope that these points will help you to make your life more better .

Will you follow these tips in your daily routine .
Share your views in the comment section .

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