Audience profile

 Audience profile ( A complete guide to our users ) 

Audience profile ( A complete guide to our users )

Audience profile is an specific page for audience where readers will be allowed to solve all their questions and queries. 

Audience profile will make you understand about the purpose of building this blog and who can acquire the knowledge.

1. Who is our target audience?

Our target audience is mainly our today's youth from 16-19, but the content in this blog is applicable for everyone of any age and any generation. 

Our blog mainly focuses on core values like motivation, consistency, success, hardwork & discipline any one of any age can surely acquire them in their life without being having a question in their mind.

2. What problems we can help you to solve? 

Our today's generation is facing a common problem that is lack of knowledge and direction, they know what to do but they actually don't know how to do so in order to bring our youth into the country's driving seat.

We make content that influence you, motivates you and will make you inspired to do something really big in life. 

3. What kind of content are people looking for?

In today's world that's Full of technology there are many people who searches internet to gain some knowledge and to get a new direction of life. 

People searches for motivation, they searches for inspiration, they searches for success and our aim is solve those quires that people actually has.

4. How would they ideally try to find the answers to their questions? 

Most of the people try to find out their answers by searching on internet or on various social media platforms and we are taking advantages of these social media platforms in order to solve people's quires in a fast & sharp manner that's why we are available on many platforms like 

Quora Inspirational blogs

Pinterest Inspire 711

Twitter HarshMi17782184

LinkedIn Harsh Mishra-407

and we are actually planning to look further on Facebook and Instagram too.

5. How old can readers be ?

Readers can be of any age but for instance reader must be above 8 because we think that screen exposure below age of 8 must be avoided, though parents can recite their children's about the content in the blog.

6. What are their occupations? 

Occupation can of be anything because knowledge depends upon your learning manner not what you actually do from a farmer to a CEO anyone can read these blogs. 

7. What is their education level?

Reader must understand the language, he or she must be able to read that's the biggest educational level and necessity to read our blogs.

Most importantly our blog is available in more than 50 languages , with one click readers can access the blog in each and every language they want.

8. What is their expertise level in the subject matter of your blog?

This topic is so simple that it doesn't requires any expertise it requires mentorship and the hunger to do something big in life. 

That's all, U herby request our readers to please Email us if you have any quires or any questions, feel free to acces us. 

Email ID :- 

Good day:)

Inspiration:- Webp  begginer

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