How much time will take to be a successful person

In order to achieve something we never thought of those skills that are required to achieve that goal, but one thing we always thought of is the end result. 

We always think about success, we think about but we never try to accomplish that goal.

How much time will take to be a successful person

Will working for our goals we all have this single question and that is how much time will it take to become a successful person.

I believe that it is all okay to think about success and keep a sense of haste as we all feel kind of frustrated with our work, repeating the same thing everyday. 

Is Success really depends upon time ?

No, success does not depend upon time, it's truly independent and it differs from person to person. 

Some people can achieve in less time while some people take more time to become a successful person in their life. Success comes from failure and the experience that we get.  

If you want to be a successful person soon in your life then start learning from your experiences, start learning from your mistakes. 

If we just comprise and summarise the life of all successful people then the net result we will get is ;

Success is independent of time, some people become successful in less time while for some it takes many years or even a decade.

So the question should be what it takes to become a successful person ? Not how much time it will take to become a successful person.

What does it take to become a successful person ?

The few and the important factors on which success actually depends and one must try to adopt them and learn from them.

1. Failure and it's experiences

Failure and experience are the biggest guide that one can have because they are something that can teach you what to do while working for your goals, and in order to achieve them what actually one should do.

One must acquire knowledge from their failures and try implementing them in your life. 

We all fear failure. We think that failure is the end but the reality is success starts after failure and you must know this.

If you want success then you have to acquire knowledge not only from your failures but from others too.

Find out what mistakes they have made and ask yourself if you are doing the same, gather knowledge and make yourself better. 

Your experience and knowledge should be your main strength.

2. Being consistent in your work 

We all have heard that famous quote " Consistency is the key to success in life " . One who is consistent always gets success and yes it's true. 

Being a person who is continuously working for goals has a higher chance of getting success rather than the other one who is not giving his work more priority. 

Consistency is the basic foundation of success, no matter if you feel bored or if you are consistent then success is in your hands.

Consistency makes you an expert, it makes you experienced, it helps you in advancing your skills and you become perfect.

Consistency is so powerful that a single man has carved the whole mountain with just a chisel and a hammer, popularly known as mountain man.

If he can carve the whole mountain with just a chisel and hammer then why can't you achieve your goals that require less effort and hardwork?

3. Having a stubborn nature.

Having a stubborn nature is considered to be a bad habit as our parents had taught us in our childhood. But do you know that being stubborn is actually beneficial for you if you try to put all your stubborn nature in your work.

Being a stubborn nature perspective can help you in building a strong mindset and even a strong will power at last you will be able to achieve what you are really willing for. 

Be stubborn towards your goals, you know it's not easy to achieve your dreams. If it was so easy then everyone would have their dream car in their garage.

So instead of wasting your time gathering all your energy and fighting for yourself, it's not easy to stay focused when you have a distracting mind and this is the point where your stubborn nature comes to rescue you.

Just do it, don't think of time, don't think of the day if you wanna do it then just do it.

4. Being an intense hard worker.

Great Chankya once said, I quote him "If you work with Full focus and you keep your eyes only on your goals and you work harder and harder intensely without taking any rest then success will surely choose you".

This is the biggest life lesson that I have learnt from the great Chankya. You must consider this quote to be your life.

That's all, those were the four things that success requires though there are many areas where a person has to work upon.

But most importantly if you have the spark, if you dare to dream no one can stop you from achieving your goals.


Success is independent of time and success actually depends upon your hard work, dedication, patience and the actual work you have done in your life. 

So ask yourself what it takes to become a successful person, not how much time it will take to become a successful person.

Acquire knowledge, work on your strength, keep your focus straight on your goals, stay consistent and you are done.


It's time to conclude my words. Lastly, believe in yourself. Just hustle, believe in the process, don't waste time. Be the best version of yourself.

That's all

Good day

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