Eyes On Strangers | Good Part Of Life

Writing has always been one of the biggest dilemmas of my career.
It's hard because you know as a writer you have to put up a lot of thoughts while writing.

For me I am not a writer and secondly I can't hold myself getting too deep into the ocean of thoughts. The two reasons why I need time to write new blogs.

Today I will be sharing something new with you all so stay tuned because it's going to be a great post.

Ok. So let's start this with a simple question ?

Have you seen any beggars on the street today ?
Have you seen kids walking by footpath craving for food ?
Have you noticed that old people were sitting on the roadside or selling items in fairs ?

We encounter these scenarios many times and I personally get stuck with a few questions.

Let me share them with you all.

Watching old aged people, I feel that what's the main thing or what's the biggest reason that they are doing this stuff ?

Don't they have their children or grandchildren ?

When I saw kids of 8-9 years of age begging or rag pickers picking up thrown food from the street the first question that popped up in my head was where are their parents ?

Isn't it strange that how futuristic the time has become and we the so called smartest and wisdom full civilisation and the only living civilization so far discovered in this universe can't even take care of these people.

Well, the idea and thought behind noticing those rag pickers and poor people is to get an idea of their life. 

Like seriously if you just compare your life with theirs, we will find out that all our problems are nothing.

At least we are getting the most basic utilities and facilities to live a life.

Here if you take an overlook the problem becomes bigger because it's not just limited to India or USA or China. 

You see world wide you can find out that there are a lot, I mean very many people who lack proper facilities for a 2 meal meal.

So you can put up the question , that it's not our fault ! 

Obviously it's not your fault, not mine but if you see there's no one who cares for them. If someone who is responsible for these things are the parents who let their children on the streets and the children who leave their parents, reasons can be a lot but this is not the proper way of solving the problem.

What next ?

People do their daily chores. They go to the office, comes home. Everyone is busy in their own life.  

So we don't have enough time for ourselves to know what to do with these people ?

Two things that we can do to somehow reduce their pain.


First and foremost Pray. Praying is one of the best things that you can do if you feel that you can't physically help them.

Whenever you come across these people, whenever you witness them just pray for them. 

Pray to the almighty God to shower blessings on them. In this way subconsciously something will happen and maybe God will send someone else for their help.

Sounds a little spiritual but ya we can handle it. Praying is the first option.


Know the second thing that you can do is donate and share.

Even in India, I do see many beggars roaming here and there on the street, some will even knock your doors too, which usually happens in tier 3 cities.

So sharing old clothes, sharing foods and sweets during festivals, and donating winter clothes during winter can be the perfect offering to these people.

In India most of the people do that and I too believe that the more you share with the others the more it will return back to you it can be in any form.

So the next time you see someone try showing some empathy, try being more kind and generous towards them.

Doing this will not only help them but also will make your character brighter and you will get a lot of blessings from them.

It's better to share food with needy people rather than wasting that same food in parties.

The idea is not to boycott parties but to lower your party budget and save some money for these people.

If you can't help them financially then obviously there are several other ways to help them. 

You can donate your old clothes.
You can prepare an extra meal for them.
You can help unknown or specially abled people to cross the road.
You can put seeds for birds and fishes.

See the idea is to transform this society, i know transform is quite a big word but eventually we have to do it.

Doing the smallest act of kindness can give you happiness that we all are searching for in this world full of chaos.

Do it and why from tomorrow so it from today.

Start with yourself because you are also a part of this society. 

Start by loving yourself, Take care of your mind, take care of your body, take care of your family, take care of your loved ones and do everything that makes you happy.

So if I was to end this article with something then I would end it with a task and that is : I want you to call your loved ones, it can be your Parents (Mom& Dad), your sister, your close friend, your colleagues our your secret crush and your girl friend.

Just ask them how was their day ?

What have they done throughout this whole day ?

Tell them that you are there for them. Tell them that you love them the most. 

You will automatically feel relaxed and happy.

Do this, come back and then share your experience down in the comment section.

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