Focus and concentration plays a key role in our life as its Importance can't be ignored when it comes to productivity.

How to improve focus and concentration ?

Being more focused and concentrated towards work is a dream of many and no doubt everyone is willing to boost their productivity. 

It's not that much hard. With a little effort one can easily stay more focused and concentrated.

How to become focused towards your goals ? 

To become focused towards your goals you must follow some of these steps -

• Find your distraction and beat them

If you will find your distraction then it will be easy for you to increase your focus. These days mostly people are distracted by smartphones. Try to reduce the use of smartphones as much as possible. 

Distractions are the enemy of a productive life and two things can't come in a single place.

When it comes to distractions you must avoid them as much as possible. 

• Morning exercise or meditation 

Meditation and morning exercise are the best way to make your mind work faster and more actively. 

Meditation refreshes your mind and boosts your productivity. You must try to create a dedicated slot of 10-15mins for meditation. 

Habits are not built in a single day but become due to the efforts that we put in every day. 

Meditation is the best habit to stay attentive. 

• Give yourself break 

A study shows that when you give yourself a break after working for a specific period of time then it makes your mind work more efficiently. 

Working for hours leads to loss of focus and when you give yourself a break your mind starts arranging the information and creates a space for additional information. 

That leads to a faster mind and you can work more effectively.

Don't do your work continuously , for a more productive and focused division of your work in 3-4 slots . Doing this will make you comfortable and you will be more focused towards your goals.

• A better sleep 

In our childhood our teacher taught us " Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy , wealthy and wise." This is the truth of today's society . Giving a rest to your brain and body is necessary . 

A better sleep is a key for a better life and you must opt for the same rule for yourself.

Don't be a night owl, sleep early and nourish your mind and give rest to your body. 

• Listen to music

Music heals our body, brain and heart and that's all that we need to listen to music, anything that you love.

Classical, folk, hip-hop or your favourite singer just entertain yourself with music.

When you feel less focused then pick up your earbuds or earphones and take a break of 10mins, listen to your favourite songs and fresh your mind.


Focus is a key to productivity and with a little practice of meditation with a healthy diet and a flavour of music in life can surely be a great way of making yourself better.