Best way to improve your productivity

 How to be more productive in your work ? ( Productivity meaning in life, productivity importance, productivity benefits & much more )

8 Ways to boost work productivity

Being more productive is everyone's dream but not everyone becomes productive at work , being productive is very tough but not impossible with few tips and some efforts you can alter the problem of being less productive in your work.

    Productivity meaning in life

    Productivity is nothing but a level or indication that indicates the efficiency at which you work.

    Productivity is the ratio between the output volume and the input volume . The time you give in your work and the output you get in return is termed as productivity.


    Let me explain you in simple terms , productivity refers to the result or the output that we get while doing some work .

    For ex :-

    A Labour working for 8 hours in a chocolate factory then the input will be his 8 hours and output will be the chocolates that he has made in 8 hours .

    Benefits of being a productive person in life

    • Being productive in work makes you stronger.

    • It improves your working capabilities.

    • It makes you efficient.

    • Being productive in work leds to have a great chances of getting success in life.

    • Being productive even saves your time so that you can implement it in your other activities.

    Importance of productivity in life

    Productivity is very important because it is the need of today's society, everyone wants a productive employees in their company not only in company.

    Even if you are a student then achieving high ace in school completing your work on time also requires energy and one must be productive enough to complete that particular in work with less inputs. 

    1. It improves your working capabilities .

    2. You can easily deliver work on time .

    3. It helps you in increasing your service by giving the same input .

    4. You can get more output by giving less effort .

    Rules for productivity

    Here are some set of rules that one need to follow in order to be a productive person in life.

    1. Avoid wasting your time.

    2. Control your senses.

    3. Avoid all your distractions.

    4. Believe in the process of time.

    5. Believe in yourself.

    6. Improve your habits.

    7. Avoid a bad friend circle.

    These are the 7 rules that you must acquire before you start for being a productive person in life. 

    How to improve your productivity ?

    Best ways to improve your productivity

    Working a lot and getting less result is the problem that we all faced. Here's the top tips to follow:-

    • Avoid junk food 

    Eating junk food is not good for your health . Though it is tasty, it has many disadvantages and it affects your health . Eating junk food will also make you lazy .

    Must read:- Short term enjoyment cause long term harm

    Here are the few disadvantages of eating junk food :

    1. It reduces your memory and causes you memory problem.

    2. It may cause you cancer.

    3. It may cause you depression.

    4. It increases your weight gain.

    5. It may even cause you skin problems.

    • Divide your work in small slots 

    Dividing your work in different slots will make you fresh and energetic these will even help you in avoiding lack of interest and boring ness in your work.

    You can work with more focus and consistency . Also dividing your work in small slots will make you avoid work load .

    So divide your working hours .

    Must read Best Ways to improve focus

    • Take break after a regular interval of time

    Continuously working not only makes you mentally weak but even lowers your brain capacity, in order to boost your mind and work more faster it's good to take break.

    Avoid using social media or any other apps while you are at break this will create a long chain of time waste and you can't even realise, try to take a break of 10-15 mins, go outside, breath in fresh air.

    Comeback again and start working you can easily notice the before and after results.

    • The zombie mode 

    Do you know who zombies are , and I know most of you have watched them in movies .

    Did you notice that they used to eat humans? Their thinking skills are zero , the same you have to do with your brain .

    Must read:- How to work smart ?

    Just do your work , don't bring any type of thought . Make yourself a working zombie. 

    No phone calls , no coffee , no smartphone just work . Full focus should be on work .

    • Have a fixed time table 

    Time is one of the most important thing , one should have the knowledge about how to manage your time if you don't then must check 

    Managing time Is one of the toughest things , but those who know they can easily manage it .

    Must read:- How to optimise your time ?

    With time table you can easily manage your time and you can avoid various unusual activities that you do every day.

    It will help you in utilising your time in your work and will also help you in improving your productivity.

    • Exercise Regularly

    Doing any type of work requires energy ,  so it is important that you must maintain a great energy for your work .

    Try to do exercise, you can do push ups, you can do aerobics, you can just have a walk of 30 to 40 minutes or otherwise you can try meditation .

     Doing exercise will help you to stay healthy and stay fit and it will also increase your energy and with increased energy you can easily improve your productivity. Also you can't feel lazy if you do exercise regularly .

    • Eat healthy fruits

    Fruits are the important sources of vitamins and study shows that children's who eat fruits during studies has a higher concentrations span.

    You can try it out.

    • Practice mindfulness meditation daily

    Meditation is the best thing and I use to recommend every user of my blog because the after results are beyond the imagination. Practice mindfulness meditation daily.

    Must read:- Mindfulness meditation and the best way to do it

    Bonus tip 

    This tip will increase your focus immediately and you can easily improve your productivity .

    What you have to do is sit straight and have a practice of meditation for 2 minutes. Just focus on your breathing for 2 minutes, select a silent room, sit straight and focus on your breathing .

    Focus on your breathing for 2 minutes can help you to control your thoughts. I am sure after 2 minutes your focus will be on the intense level and doing any work after this activity will surely improve your productivity .


    It's a time to conclude my words, lastly there is nothing that can boost yourself untill and unless you urge to do it, working for the goals should be your main focus avoid everything. In order to be more productive you can follow the above tips but you have to control yourself from wasting your time. 

    Good day 

    Update on :- 6/02/2022

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