How to Optimise your time ?

How to not waste your time?
( Time management, Time management tips, Time Importance ) 

How to Optimize your time ?

Time is relative and it is said that time never stops for anyone and yes it is true, but second reality is that time can be managed. But time management is not easy as we think. 

One thing that's common between a successful and an unsuccessful person is time management, successful person always follow a strict time table, they consider their time the most precious thing. 

Mentality of a successful person is totally different, because they believe that there time is very precious and they  avoid wasting it.

In this post I going to breakdown the concept of Time management and Time Importance and how you can optimise your time for a better future ?

How to Optimise your time ?

1. Have a strict time table

Time table is basically a sechdule what you are going to do throughout the whole day, but not everyone can follow a time table. Even people don't know how to build a perfect time table.

So i would suggest you to build a strong time table and try to reduce your spare work as much as you can. Because as much you will focus on your work the more you will have a chance to get success.

2. Strong will power

For any work it is very important that one must has a strong will power. Our mind is very intelligent and it hates doing hardwork, it hates working, our mind is very lazy, But as we know we can't get anything without paying for it. Either it is materialistic or non materialistic.

It is very important that you have control over your mind, over your senses. 

In Shri baghawat Geeta lord Krishna said that one who can control his senses can control this world.

You must remember that will power is important and for a big success you must require a big and strong will power.


3. Avoid short term enjoyment.

Someone said that short term enjoyment cause long term pain and short term pain cause long term enjoyment. Now the choice is upto you and how you deal with it.

Short term enjoyment are like slow poison that are slowly making you weak. Short term enjoyment can cause a long damage.

One should avoid these enjoyments and focus on long time goals. 


4.consider time as more valuable as money. 

Last but not the least consider time as the most precious thing that you ever had. Because money can be earned again but time can't be earned. So remember, consider your time more important more valuable than anything else.

 Avoid wasting it. Because once it is gone you can't get it back.

Bonus tip

Avoid Temptations

Temptations: are the bad habits that most of us have in our life, it is essential and becomes important that one should stop these habits right Know.


I will conclude my words Know, keep following the above tips, believe in yourself, develop a strong will power, be strong and you are done.

That's all. Believe in hustle, be the best version of yourself.

Good day

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