Short term enjoyment and it's effect

When it comes to enjoyment then how can we forget about our teenage life, it's very well known that teenage life is known for enjoyment.

But when enjoyment exceeds the level then it starts harming us and has many causes too.

Short term enjoyment and it's effect

We all enjoyed it and are still enjoying it but is what we are doing is actually correct?Maybe yes or maybe no.

Enjoyment is good but skipping your workout , your work & your goals seems unfair to life.

Teenage is an important phase in everyone's life because it builds our life but is it good to just waste your teenage years in enjoyment? 

Stay with this post till the very end and find out the answer 

What are short term enjoyments ? 

Short term enjoyment are basically the couple moments of happiness that lasts for a few minutes.

When you drink or buy something expensive the feeling of satisfaction you get is considered to be short term enjoyment.

 For example, playing with a smartphone, going to parties ,having a relationship,  consuming alcohol and drugs ,etc.

How to avoid these small enjoyments?

Few ways that can help you in dealing with these short term enjoyments are:-

1. Control your temptations 

It's all about how you feel and how you react. In order to utilise your time you must say no to temptations.

Temptations always will be tempting but you have to avoid them in case you miss them.

Must read:- How to avoid temptations in life

It will be hard to bring you back on the way of achieving your goals. So avoid temptations and save your time.

2. Avoid distractions

If something distracts you then there's a need to improve your focus, don't get distracted easily.

Whatever distracts you, stay away from it because once you get distracted then you don't even know how much time will be wasted.

3. Stay away from friends

Friends are the important asset of our life, without friends our life is nothing but you must have good friends.

It's well said by Sir Warren Buffett that if your friends circle is busy in enjoyment not talking about investment, business and breaking 9-5jobs then you must quit that circle.

In simple language don't be available for parties and programs every time, avoid when you feel there's a need.

Don't waste your time, money and efforts.

4. Say no to drugs & alcohol

Short enjoyment causes long term damage and what we do in our teenage years reflects our whole life.

So don't ever go for drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. It seems cool but it's not. It's very harmful.


You don't even know that whatever you are doing is ruining your life slowly don't build these habits.

Teenage is time to focus on a career and build a strong character and a good lifestyle.

Don't go for enjoyment everytime sometimes it's better to stay alone and work rather than wasting hours.

FAQ ( frequently asked questions )

1. What are some short term pleasures?

Short term pleasures include drinking, smoking, Chatting continuously, buying something expensive and much more.

2. Is short term happiness good?

I would say no, short term enjoyments are basically the time wasting activities that actually wastes your efforts and time.

While you can stay happy because there's no reason to stay happy.

3. How can I be happy long term?

In order to stay happy for the long term then get your goals accomplished, become financially free & travel.

The above are something that makes memories and makes you relax and happy.

Good day:)

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