Is Overthinking Ruining Your Life? Here's How to Break Free

Trapped in Your Head? How to Stop Overthinking and Live in the Moment

Overthinking has become a serious, major and a big problem among people and especially the youth.

Almost everyone, the teenagers, college going students has been majorly affected by overthinking.

Overthinking. Inside The Head Of An Overthinker

Now I hope my readers know what overthinking is but still if you don't know then overthinking is a word which is combined by two terms over+thinking.

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That simply means constantly thinking about a thought for minutes and hours.

For example, tomorrow your result will be declared and thoughts start popping up in your head. 

Like what will happen tomorrow ? , would I be able to score good marks ?, What if I failed?, What if I get supplementary ?, What answer would I give to my parents? and many more.

You kept on thinking, you kept on making new scenarios in your head, you kept on imagining things that are literally not going to happen with you.

Interestingly there's a psychological fact about our mind and according to which our mind can't differentiate between reality and imagination.

So when we overthink then our mind radiates a similar frequency and releases chemicals so that means you are actually feeling the scenario and your body is dealing with those chemicals that can affect your mood.

You may have noted that when you think about something that you are afraid of your heart beat is unusual or when you think of your favourite person you get a smile on your face.

That happens because your mind signals similar frequency and that's why it is suggested to think positive and live a life that's full of positivity.

Overthinking vs Deep Thinking, How to think safely ?

Inside the head of an overthinker.

Have you ever thought about what it feels like to have a mind that constantly works even when you are sleeping ?

The mind of an overthinker works in a similar pattern, he has no time to work, the mind of an overthinker constantly thinks about different thoughts.

If the person tries to work then the thoughts disturbs him, they try to divert his mind by driving different thoughts and at the end that person becomes useless.

Remember gentlemen your mind is your biggest asset and it's your duty to preserve this rare thing.

You can't let everyone and every thought destroy your mental peace.

Just for a minute how it feels if you are kept at a place which has an infinite traffic jam, a jam where vehicles are pressing their horns. 

You can't stand there for an hour.

Now what about your mind a traffic jam is temporary but your thoughts, they are infinite and your mind has to deal with them.

Isn't this injustice with your mind? 

Now you might be thinking that is there any way to control these thoughts ?

Of course there is but again it depends upon you how much you have control over yourself.

Be Real To Yourself 

See it depends upon you the more free hand you will give to your thoughts the more you will get stuck into it.

So first of all, be real to yourself, understand that all these thoughts are harmful and any thoughts that I put into my head will surely affect me.

First thing first don't allow thoughts in your mind.

Secondly Be very careful with what you watch.

Whatever we see on the internet widely affects our thinking therefore it is advised to watch quality content rather than putting waste and garbage in the name of shorts and reels.

Lastly, seek for your mental health, the best and one of greatest possible ways to stop overthinking is to try living in the present moment.

Try doing meditation, seek mindfulness, find out your real identity and live a blissful life.


That's all gentlemen, I hope that this post would have surely helped you and you may have got one reason why you shouldn't overthink.

Be authentic to yourself and at the end May the God Watch Over You. 

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