Stuck in a One-Sided Relationship? Here's How to Heal


Life is ridiculously confusing.

Life is full of confusion.

Life is a comedy.

Love is the ultimate solution to all our problems. Love is something that's magical and the feeling can't be expressed in words.


It is said that beautiful things can't be seen, they can only be perceived. 

Love is the purest form of worship, well I am not here to share the advantages of love but something that's too harsh for all of us.

Another side of love. A side of love from the head of one sided lover.

Like what it actually feels like to love someone from the bottom of your heart and you get no efforts in return ?

Bunch of thoughts revolving in your head and you can't deal with them. 

So let's start.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone in your life ?

Well let me know in the comments section, for people who have fallen in love with someone congratulations but those who haven't experienced this weird feeling, let me tell you my friend you are very lucky.

Human psychology states that when you love someone you start noticing everything about them, you start loving each of their works and at some point of time you start behaving like them.

Well that's the fun part of being in love.

The real problem occurs when you are in a one sided relationship because that's actually painful.

Iin one side relationship you just love the other person and it's one sided so you can't even share your feelings with them.

We can say secret love.

The biggest problem here is if you have to deal with the thoughts alone. When you love someone, maybe your colleagues or your classmates or your friends and you watch them daily.

Believe me that's the hardest thing in a one -sided relationship because if you will express your feelings and if they will reject you then literally you have to deal with them throughout your whole school life,college life and even at your workplace.

I mean things really get screwed up in one sided relationships.

The second problem here is you can't hide your love for your partner, life being jealous when your partner talks with someone else.

Being insecure and sometimes being sad because you are not getting the desired attention from your partner.

Being in a one-sided relationship doesn't make things easy for you because knowing the thoughts of your favourite person will not let you sleep at night.

You will create dreams with your partner, you will imagine a moment with them and so on.

All your mental health will be screwed.

Not just that if your partner is your best friend or close friend whom you are loving secretly then even God can't save you.

Now you have pressure to maintain your friendship but also the thoughts of love are making it much harder for you.

You are continuously thinking about that person as a result you will not only lose your mental health but also you will become less productive.

Well this is a big issue but how to solve it ? 

So, it's hard and even I can't tell you to move on from that person because it's actually hard, it's hard to leave all your feelings in a second and say yes I have moved on.

The thing that you can do is self realisation.

Self realisation is a beautiful concept that helps a person in coping up with their feelings and here's 2-3 points that you need to make yourself understand for the sake of a better future.

1 You can't let everyone love you. 

The first and foremost thing that you need to understand is that you can't let everyone do the same thing as you want.

Everyone has their own heart and brain and they have the right to love, they have the right to choose their favourite person.

So you can't force someone to love you. You can show effort but you can't say that “ I am loving you, so you must love me in return”.

Believe me this love is not a business, here everyone has the right to choose their loved ones.

So that's the first point, let everyone choose their loved ones independently.

2 Don't crave for efforts 

Sometimes we over love someone, we over shower our love and when we don't get that effort in return we start craving for it.

We started feeling sad. My friend, this needs to be stopped. Stop giving so much attention and efforts, don't over love someone that you can't figure out between loyalty and slavery.

Have some self respect. 

3 Filling loneliness with love 

Some people are lonely in life and there are a group of people who haven't received love properly in their childhood days.

So when someone speaks with them softly or cares for them they start developing love for them.

This is something that people need to think of.

Filling your loneliness with love is not a right way to live a life. 

You need to understand that the opposite person is just a good hearted person and you are taking his/her actions in a wrong way.

Not every person who talks sweetly and cares for you is in love with you.

So stop doing this.

Last but not the least 

4 Set Goals and achieve them.

It's hard to say but yes ! 

Move on, set some goals, build a plan and work on yourself. 

Being a guy in 20s one needs to understand that goals are more important. Having a good lifestyle is more important.

You can't let your 20s go in vain just for the sake of one person who doesn't even know that you exist for them or not.

Believe me it's hard but it's true and the sad reality is they will get someone to support them during their lows, but what about you ?

This society is biassed and it will not accept a failed man, what answers you will give to your parents who are continuously praying for your success.

Your parents are getting older , you need to have some maturity in your head.

Guys just understand your 20s will decide the rest of your life so spend each day casually.


So it's hard and it's tough but it is what it is.

Just accept the fact that your favourite person is unachievable. 

Just understand one simple thing that you are literally wasting your time and efforts for someone who even doesn't know that you exist or not.

Your efforts and feelings are nothing for them.

Love is a true form of worship but loving a wrong person will make things worse.

Second thing that you can actually do but I will not suggest you is ust approach the person and confess your feelings but there's a risk.

Either you will get accepted or rejected but then you will not have any grudges in your heart.

Exception here is if you are in love with your best friend then there are high chances that you will lose them. Believe me that's true.

So don't screw the relationship, if you want to live close with your best friend then don't propose, I say don't.

That's what I suggest. 

In the end, it's up to you. 

So that's all guys, just chill, enjoy life, have some goals, work on them and live a fruitful life.

Thanks for reading :)

May God Watch Over You.

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