The Social media dilemma | Teenagers in Matrix

The Genz Generation 

Irony of this post is that I am writing this article.

Though I have no issues with people, their culture and the freedom to whatever they want, the problem lies in the mindset.

The Social media dilemma | Teenagers in Matrix

We can say the problem lies in the so-called  kids on Instagram.

I opened my Instagram feed and saw a couple of reels these kids were dancing on.

Well obviously you have the right to dance but the real problem comes when you see some cringe and shitty things popping up on your feedback.

Some vulgar reels of people showcasing their body or men's especially the 18-19 guys dancing on those  theme music.

Doesn't this feel cringe that in the time when you are supposed to work on yourself and build a mindset that can make you a better person, you are scrolling these shitty things or trying out these things.

Again I have no issues with these people but in reality that creates a difference.

The Influence of Social Media Trends

The problem with teenagers is they try to go with the trend and they do certain things that are not necessarily important just to keep themselves in trend or get some fame.

What I want to convey is that social media is different and the society we are living in is different.

What we see on social media isn't the reality.

Like consider yourself, putting a story on Instagram or choosing the photo that you are going to upload we think 100s of time.

We figure out the best pic and then we post that picture on our DP, our own Instagram.

The idea here is that what we see on social media is a fake virtual reality that forces you to constantly compare yourself with others.

Impact on Younger Audiences

The shitty thing is Watching children of 12-14 age in couple reels.

I mean you are not even ready to solve integrals and you want love in your life.

Literally watching these things really makes me offended.

Now you can put up a question that everyone has the right to do whatever they want ?

Your opinion doesn't matter ?

Freedom of equality and so on ? 

So yes, I really don't care what's happening on social media but if you are a person who follows world affairs, then you may have heard about a court case that was recently filed on META.

Mark Zuckerberg was summoned in the court and he admitted his mistake and has apologised.

Here's the summary of that case 

Online Child Exploitation: Senators criticised Meta for not preventing sexual exploitation of minors on its platforms.

Psychological Harm to Minors: Social media platforms were blamed for contributing to mental health issues like addiction and eating disorders in children.

Insufficient Parental Controls: Lawmakers argued that existing parental control features are ineffective in protecting children from harmful content.

Lack of Accountability and Transparency: Tech companies were criticised for their lack of transparency and accountability regarding content moderation and safety measures.

Inadequate Response to Regulatory Proposals: Executives showed reluctance to support specific legislative measures aimed at protecting children online, frustrating lawmakers.

Shifting Mindsets for a Better Future

With the above points we can confirm that social media indeed affects our thoughts, thinking and widely affects our personality and way of living.

What should one do ?

Obviously the problem here is with mindset, we need to change ourselves.

The main objective of writing this article was to show a clear mirror to all  that social media is not everything, there is far beyond social media.

The actual and real life is different from reel life. 

You have to make a lot of efforts to grow in your life.

Practical Steps for Personal Growth 

So grab your goals and start working, because life really hits hard and you must be ready to face all those problems.

So be ready, have a strong mindset and start working on yourself.

Go to the gym, do proper exercise, wake up early in the morning, have a proper exercise and start working.

Confidence is the key, believe in yourself, have self esteem and yes you are done.

Be positive, think positive and follow your dreams.

See you in the next one. 

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