How to achieve more in Less time

Achieving more in less time is one of those dreams that everyone thinks of. 

See in order to achieve more in less time you have to be strong, you have to preserve yourself from what? , From distractions, from your mind and each sort temptations .

How to achieve more in Less time

See in this society your skills matters the most, no matter how much qualified you are and if any how you are able to win your work actions then surely no one is gonna beat you.

we want to become productive but we can't  it's simply not our fault, this happens due to our brain functioning, our brain wants everything at low efforts, our brain very lazy and avoids doing hardwork. 

But that doesn't mean you can't be productive in your life, with few tips you will surely able to improve your work ethics.

1. Try building some productive habits.

Productive habits are the best habits among all and adapting them in your daily life can give you a great benefit. 

Habits cum productive habits in other words are those sort of habits that helps you in advancing your daily routine and makes you better.

If doing something makes you better then it falls in the category of productive habits cum good habits.

For example wake up early in the morning is one of the finest and easiest example of productive habits as you get sufficient time to do your work, waking up early in the morning makes you fresh and feel energetic.

So in the same way you can figure out your productive habits and can start working on each of them.

2. Control your senses 

Senses are something that can make you successfull and unsuccessful as well, the best way to become more productive is to control your senses.

This is an important factor in order to get success in less time in lord Bhagwat Geeta lord Krishna said that " one who has a control over his senses can easily win this whole world" .

So try controlling your brain, it's the biggest thing that creates problems it distracts you from your goals, makes you weak and reduces your chances of getting success.

One must be able to control their senses.  Check this video out in order to get a detailed idea.

Why you should control your senses ?

It's simply because senses are responsible for distractions, your eyes wants to watch YouTube video while you know you have to work on your upcoming project and anyhow you are able to control your eyes you won.

Many of us wants to watch porn, or to use offensive words talking this is because we lack control over our senses.

Once you conquer your senses there is no way you can lose. 

3. Think positive & act positive 

A single negative thought is enough to destroy all your positivity so stay out of negative thoughts, be positive. 

Our whole world is full of negative thoughts and jealousy am i right? 

No, that's not the reality it depends upon how you saw the world and how you react, if our world is filled with jealous then there is also a soft corner where people are happy, help each other celebrates small moments and living a happy life.

So bring up a new concept of Positive thinking in life, be positive and act positive.

How to stay positive in life ? 

 Use swap spot and change technique 

Avoid negative people, stay away from those who always think negatively. 

Consume quality content, reach out to motivational videos, great speeches, novels.

4. React less and observe more 

Over the world and in the society a rule is set and the rule is if you will cry then no body will care for you and if you will stay happy than everyone will care about your life, they will be jealous that why he is still smiling with so much tensions.

So, observe everyone, and react according to that don't respond to each and every argument made on you. Give your answer with your success.

Bonus tip 

5. Bring your extreme in your work

See this is the most important thing according to me and personally I believe that success can only be get untill you work for it, until you take yourself to a higher level where you have just a chance to do or die.

Put yourself in pressure and try managing it.

5 Books to Help You Do Less and Achieve More 

1. Do it today 

5. You can achieve more


I will conclude my words know, at last i just want to say there is no shortcut to success and the smallest shortcut that can make you successfull person is HARDWORK. 

So work hard work for your goals, bring your best version out.

That's all

Good day:) 

FAQ ( frequently asked questions ) 

1. How to break down big goals into manageable steps

So here's how you can breakdown a goal into manageable steps :-

  1. Work in slots.
  2. Create a to do list
  3. Have slots for your work. 
  4. Have a perfect time table so that you can avoid time wastage.

2. How to create a to-do list that is both effective and efficient ?

It's very easy and simple in order to create a to-do list . Just keep your priorities at the top and then figure out the most important task, keep it at first and then form a to-do list.

But remember your to do list must contain priority works at the top.

3. What is The value of productivity ?

Productivity is something that can give you immense pleasure if you know how to deal with them.

Just stay away from distractions, focus on the good and you can soon feel how helpful productivity is.

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