Why do I procrastinate ? So these days I procrastinate so much that I am tired right now. 

No exercise, no routine, nothing. I was waking up at 9:00 AM and sleeping at 12:00-1:00  Pm and my back is hurting so much that I can't even tell you. 

Fun fact is that I am so lazy these days that even though I know when I am writing this article, frankly speaking I am in no mood to write. 

I don't know why I am procrastinating so much ! 

Talking deep down on a deep analysis I found a few things that are making me procrastinate more and more. Not just that when I talked with my mentor, here's what he told me.

    So I have compressed my personal life experience into this post and I am sure it will help you.  

    3 reasons why you can't stop your procrastination ! 

    3 Reasons Why You Procrastinate

    1. You are too lazy 

    So the first and foremost reason that's stopping you from doing your work and making you mentally weak is you are too lazy. 

    Lazy, you are just relaxing, no schedule time table, no to do list, no morning routine and nothing just wasting time in activities that are not important. 

    Being lazy, scrolling instagram, watching shorts on social media and scrolling your social media accounts is what makes you lazy and unproductive. 

    Boost Your Productivity: Simple Tips to Stay on Top of Your Game

    Not just that laziness is the worst thing, try to understand that you are stuck up in your comfort zone, you are addicted to being relaxing and doing nothing. 

    It's not about you even if I am doing the same thing and that's the first reason why you are procrastinating so much. 

    2. You have set goals but taken them for granted 

    Second thing that my mentor told me and I would like to tell you is that you have taken your goals for granted. 

    Setting goals is not enough man you have to come forward for yourself, see don't think that a miracle will happen and you will get all your problems resolved. 

    No, that's never gonna happen. You have to come forward for yourself, you have to fight for yourself rather than just imagining success.

    Setting goals is not enough. If you have set goals then that doesn't mean you have done something big. Rather than setting goals you have to work for them.

    "Crush Your Big Goals: 5 Simple Tips to Make Them a Reality!"

    Don't take your goals for granted, make your goals more priority, you have to give priority to your goals, you have to give your best to make your goals come true. 

    If you will just think about them or will wait for some miracle to happen then it's really gonna hurt you in the future. 

    So the second thing that you have to do is be responsible, burn that spark in your head, be focused, and be hardworking. 

    Just give priority to your goals. Please don't take them for granted. 

    3. Taking time for granted  

    One of the biggest reasons why a person never succeeds in life is taking time for granted. 

    Please readers try to understand a simple logix that time is important. Time is really important to readers, wasting time in unusual and unimportant activities will ruin your life. Note it.

    Take your time as one of the most important assets of your life, you have to be very careful with your time. Each second that you invest really matters. 

    "Tick-Tock: Mastering the Art of Time Management for a More Productive Life"

    Taking time for granted is one of the biggest mistakes of your life. So remember readers once your time is gone it's never going to come back in your life. 

    Each moment that you spend is not going to come back again. Each second is important. Guys, so please don't do that. Save your time. 

    I am just sharing my real life experience with you, I have been studying in our nearest town away from my birth land, away from my dad, grandma and grandpa and now almost fourteen years are finished, i have completed my schooling and when i look back then i realise that time is really very fast.

    Like i just realised that 14 years have passed, seriously time is so fast that you can't even control it. All you can do is optimise each and every second.  

    So those were the 3 reasons that are making you weak in your life and remember guys don't think about enjoyment because time always pays, One day when you will grow old you will realise that time is the biggest asset. 

    So save yourself, Save It otherwise you will regret.


    So that's all what I am feeling today and that's what is making me down in my life and I hope it will help you as well. 

    This is just a small blog post, I have so much to share with you all. But that's all for now! 

    Last not the least, I would love to know what you are feeling today, what are your views on procrastination and are you procrastinating ? 

    Comment down.