How to Improve Self-Esteem | Building Confidence and Empowering Yourself


Do you ever find yourself questioning your worth or doubting your abilities? If so, you're not alone.

There are millions of people who are going through the same problem. Even a study shows that almost 85% of people suffer from self doubt. So that's a very common but yet an issue that needs a lot of discussion.

How to Improve Self-Esteem | Building Confidence and Empowering Yourself

Self-esteem plays a crucial role in our personal development and overall well-being. 

It shapes how we perceive ourselves and how we interact with the world around us. In this article, we will explore practical tips and strategies to help you improve your self-esteem and cultivate a strong sense of self-worth.

Unlock Your Inner Confidence: Learn Powerful Tips to Boost Self-Esteem Now!

So we have divided this whole article into 8 sections such that we will start by discussing the factors affecting self esteem to how you can improve your self esteem in life.

So chill and relax, happy reading!

    I. Understand the Factors Affecting Self-Esteem:

    A. Internal factors:

    1. Self-talk and inner dialogue: Pay attention to the thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself. Recognize any patterns of self-criticism or negative self-talk. 

    Practice reframing negative thoughts into positive or neutral ones, challenging self-limiting beliefs, and cultivating self-acceptance and self-love.

    2. Self-acceptance and self-love: Embrace your strengths and imperfections, and practice self-compassion.

    Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, accepting that nobody is perfect. Learn from your mistakes and view them as opportunities for growth.

    3. Personal values and beliefs: Define what matters most to you and align your actions with your values.

    When you live in alignment with your core values, you enhance your self-esteem and create a sense of authenticity and purpose.

    Unleash your inner confidence: Discover 6 powerful ways to boost your self-esteem now!


    B. External factors:

    1. Social influences and comparisons: Be mindful of the impact of comparing yourself to others. 

    Recognize that everyone has their own journey, and focus on your own progress and growth. 

    Surround yourself with supportive and uplifting individuals who celebrate your achievements and encourage your personal development.

    2. Criticism and negative feedback: Learn to discern constructive feedback from destructive criticism. 

    Constructive feedback can provide valuable insights and opportunities for improvement, while destructive criticism can erode your self-esteem. 

    Develop resilience and the ability to separate your self-worth from external judgments.

    3. Past experiences and traumas: Understand how past experiences may have shaped your self-perception. Address any unresolved traumas or negative experiences through therapy or counselling. 

    Processing and healing from past wounds can help you cultivate a healthier sense of self.

    II. Challenge Negative Self-Talk:

    A. Identify negative self-talk patterns: Pay attention to the recurring negative thoughts that undermine your self-esteem. Notice when you engage in self-criticism or self-doubt.

    Negative self-talk is a common occurring habit that happens with almost everyone. 

    Whenever we are free then these negative thoughts start popping up in our head and as a result it destroys all our mentality.

    Even a single piece of negative thought is enough to destroy all your positivity. 

    B. Reframe negative thoughts into positive or neutral ones: Replace self-critical thoughts with more empowering and realistic perspectives. 

    Challenge negative assumptions and beliefs by gathering evidence to the contrary.

    The second thing you have to do is change your negative thoughts with the positive ones.

    To Do that you have to be really active. Suppose you get a negative thought in your head then the first thing that you have to do is notice your negative thoughts and once you notice that negative thought then the second thing you have to do is replace your thought.

    Replace it as soon as possible. 

    C. Practise positive affirmations and self-encouragement: Repeat affirming statements about yourself to reinforce positive self-beliefs. 

    So if you don't know then affirmations are basically a set of some quotes or inspirational lines.

    Create a list of affirmations that resonate with you and recite them daily.

    Reciting those affirmations will make you positive in your life and reciting them in the morning will give you a new hope, a new energy to put up a fight against the negativity of your life..

    III. Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate Achievements:

    A. Break down large goals into smaller, achievable steps: Set realistic and attainable objectives that can be accomplished incrementally. 

    Breaking down large goals into smaller steps makes them more manageable and increases the likelihood of success.

    Supercharge Your Success: Discover the 5 Powerful Strategies for Achieving Big Goals Now!

    Our mind hates doing complex tasks so when you break big goals into small ones then it creates an illusion in your mind making your mind focus effectively on that particular task or goal.

    Suppose you want to finish your complete syllabus of your school then your brain will find it hard doing that but instead of focusing on the full syllabus, if you try to break it down for one chapter then surely your mind will feel much easier to do that task.

    So you can do it. The same thing.

    B. Create a timeline or action plan: Organise your goals and establish a roadmap for success. Outline specific actions and deadlines to keep yourself accountable.

    Priority matters, put your goals on top priority. Give time to your moat prior task first and then focus on other un important tasks.

    C. Track progress and celebrate milestones: Monitor your progress along the way and acknowledge the steps you've taken towards your goals. 

    Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small, to reinforce positive feelings of accomplishment.

    In life we avoid celebrating small milestones but on the road of success we must celebrate each and every milestone because these are the moments that become memories.

    D. Acknowledge effort and growth, regardless of outcome: Remember that personal growth is not solely determined by the outcome.

     Even if you face setbacks or challenges, recognize the effort you put in and the lessons learned from those experiences.

    IV. Cultivate Self-Care Practices:

    5 types of self care

    A. Prioritise physical well-being:

    1. Exercise regularly: Engage in physical activities that you enjoy, whether it's jogging, yoga, dancing, or playing a sport. Exercise releases endorphins, which promote feelings of well-being and boost self-esteem.

    2. Eat a balanced diet: Nourish your body with wholesome foods that provide essential nutrients. A healthy diet can positively impact your energy levels, mood, and overall well-being.

    3. Get enough sleep: Establish a consistent sleep routine and prioritise sufficient rest. A good night's sleep enhances cognitive function, emotional resilience, and overall vitality.

    Unlock Your Inner Peace: Embrace the Power of Mindfulness Today!

    B. Nurture emotional well-being:

    1. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Engage in activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling to cultivate a sense of calm and self-awareness. Mindfulness allows you to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgement.

    Mindfulness is another great way to keep yourself strong, to make you a better person. It's really important to focus on spirituality and meditation.

    It's been scientifically proven that meditation creates a positive impact over your mind, it makes you relaxed and you become more patient, more genius in your life.

    2. Engage in hobbies and activities you enjoy: Dedicate time to activities that bring you joy and fulfilment. 

    Whether it's painting, playing an instrument, or gardening, pursuing your passions enhances self-esteem and nurtures your sense of self.

    We all have some hobbies in our life, like in my case I love singing, playing cricket, I love songs and most importantly I love writing.

    So whenever I feel I am lost, I write, whenever I feel sad and depressed I listen to soulful music and when I am happy or when I want to turn my attention I just go for a walk.

    You can do the same thing with yourself.

    V. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences:

    A. Identify toxic relationships or environments: Evaluate the relationships and environments in your life. Recognize toxic dynamics or situations that consistently undermine your self-esteem. Distance yourself from negativity and seek healthier alternatives.

    It's better to live alone rather than being in a toxic Relationship, a toxic Relationship really sucks, man !

    If you are living in a toxic Relationship then take no time to leave it, it's better to avoid that mental pressure, doubt from your partner and humiliation.

    Stay away from people whom you find toxic. It can be anyone whether your friends or any family members, people who think negatively, who speak negatively just maintain distance from them.

    B. Seek out supportive and uplifting individuals: Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about your well-being and support your personal growth. Choose friends and mentors who inspire you and believe in your potential.

    Instead of surrounding yourself with toxic people, search for someone who is supportive. Find out like minded people.

    Find out people with whom you can share everything and I personally believe that there is one person available in everyone's life with whom we can share everything.

    So surround yourself with these people not just that, you can surround yourself with self help books. 

    C. Engage in communities or groups that align with your values and interests: Find communities or organisations that share your passions and values.

     Participating in activities with like-minded individuals fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance.

    D. Limit exposure to negative media or social media comparisons: Be mindful of the impact of media consumption on your self-esteem.

     Limit exposure to content that promotes unrealistic standards or fosters comparison. Instead, curate your media intake to include uplifting and motivational sources.

    There is no need to explain to you how much negativity is spreaded all over the internet, people are so busy in consuming negative, unwanted and cringe content.

    You have to be different from others, consume what pushes you forward towards your goals not backwards.

    Limit yourself, stop watching porn, stop scrolling reels on Instagram, and watch unwanted videos on YouTube. 

    Be clear with what you are consuming because it really impacts your mind.

    VI. Develop Skills and Pursue Personal Growth:

    A. Identify areas for personal improvement or development: Reflect on areas where you would like to grow and expand your skills or knowledge. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and seek opportunities for growth.

    As a person who is continuously willing to grow in life, it's 110% sure that you are familiar with your weakness and strength.

    That means you know what's making you weak and that's the reason that you are in self doubt, so find out those weaknesses and attack them.

    Try to convert your weakness into strength.

    B. Set goals to acquire new skills or knowledge: Invest in learning and embrace opportunities to acquire new competencies. Take courses, attend workshops, or engage in self-study to expand your horizons.

    The best way to build self- esteem is to invest your time in learning. Learning is one thing that can create a positive impact over your life, not just a positive impact but the teachings you get are valuable.

    So spend some time on learning, now learning of what ?It can be any skill or it can be any book that you are willing to read or any type of courses.

    Do something, but never stop learning because the day you stop learning is the day you stop growing.

    C. Take up challenges and step outside your comfort zone: Embrace new experiences that push you beyond your comfort zone. By venturing into unfamiliar territory, you build resilience, discover hidden talents, and enhance your self-esteem.

    Discover Your True Comfort Zone: Unleash Your Potential Now!

    Ahh! What should I write about my comfort zone? The comfort zone is even more dangerous than the red zone. 

    Throughout our whole day we feel lazy, we procrastinate, we get so deeply involved in our comfort zone that we even lose our consciousness of working on our goals.

    So in order to prevent ourselves from doing that we must challenge ourselves, we should not put ourselves in a comfort zone. Take challenges, if you are feeling lazy then do exercise. 

    The 2 min rule 

    The 2 min rule is one of the best ways that I feel can help you to fight your Comfort zone and laziness.

    So basically the 2 min rule States that you do all your work that requires time less than 2 mins like cutting your nails, arranging bed sheets, arranging your desk and many more.

    One more thing that you can do is using 2 min rule you will get involved in your work that you were willing to do, since you are doing that work for 2 mins your brain will not interrupt you but as soon as 2mins gets over you can extend that work for half an hour or for a full hour.

    A study shows that making yourself convinced of doing a task is much more difficult than actually doing that task. 

    So all you can do is challenge yourself, to come out of your comfort zone.

    D. Embrace a growth mindset and learn from failures or setbacks: Adopt a mindset that views failures as learning opportunities. Embrace the belief that your abilities can be developed through dedication and effort. Learn from setbacks and use them as stepping stones toward personal growth.

    Growth mindset, I believe that it's very important when we are talking about self esteem.

    Just understand one thing: self doubt rises in our head when we lack belief in ourselves and the growth mindset of believing in yourself and making you learn a lot from failures.

    Unlock Your Full Potential: Discover the Power of a Growth Mindset Today!

    So once you have achieved that growth mindset then you will automatically start growing, then you will never feel that you are in self doubt.

    Hierarchy of needs

    VII. Practice Self-Compassion:

    A. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding: Practise self-compassion by extending the same kindness and understanding to yourself as you would to a friend facing challenges.

    The way you take care of your loved ones, is the same way you have to take care of yourself because after all you are going to spend your whole life within the same body and same mind.

    Understand yourself, try to connect with your inner soul. That's the only way you can build a connection with yourself.

    B. Accept imperfections and learn from mistakes: Embrace the fact that nobody is perfect and that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Instead of dwelling on failures, focus on the lessons they offer and use them to grow.

    See, nobody is born perfect, everything we see on social media is fake. The actual reality is we all have some problems, we all are imperfect.

    So instead of making ourselves perfect we must accept whoever we are. Don't think about others, what others are talking about you. Let them speak.

    You have to live in your own company and nobody is gonna help you in your life, it's your life and your opinion matters, not others opinion. So be who you are. Don't let others control your life.

    C. Avoid self-criticism and practice self-forgiveness: Challenge your inner critic and replace self-criticism with self-encouragement. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and let go of self-blame, allowing room for personal growth and self-acceptance.

    People can't succeed in life until they leave their past baggage. If you really wanna become successful in life then surely you have to live in the present moment.

    Instead of criticising yourself and regretting past decisions you have to work on your present otherwise you will ruin your present too.

    D. Embrace self-care as an ongoing process: Self-care is not a one-time event but a continuous practice. Prioritise self-care activities that nurture your well-being, maintain balance, and sustain a positive self-image.

    Self care is important, it's more important than anything else. So take out some time for yourself.

    Do what your heart says, listen to what your ears say and live a list that's full of gratitude, kindness and generosity. 

    That's all. No stress, no depression, nothing.

    VIII. Seek Support from Others:

    A. Open up to trusted friends or family members: Share your feelings and struggles with trusted individuals who provide a listening ear and emotional support. 

    Opening up can help alleviate the burden of low self-esteem and foster connection.

    Friends are the best medicine, in the path of improving yourself we will face different problems, sometimes we will get Stressed, sometimes we will get angry and sometimes we will feel like crying.

    During that phase someone can help you then that is your friend, your best friend forever with whom you can share everything. If you have such friends then save them because they are more precious than diamonds.

    Even sometimes when I feel sad, I used to share my feelings with my best friend. So you can do the same thing.

    B. Consider joining a support group or therapy: Explore support groups or therapy options where you can connect with individuals facing similar challenges. Professional guidance can provide valuable tools and insights to improve self-esteem.

    If you feel that you can't share it with your friends then seek and search for support groups.

    C. Seek professional help when needed: If low self-esteem significantly impacts your daily life and well-being, consider seeking professional help. Mental health professionals can offer tailored strategies and interventions to address underlying issues.

    Last but not the least, seeking guidance from a counsellor is also one of the best ways that I personally feel can help you a lot.

    I have even met counsellors 2-3 times in my school and when I used to share my problems with them they used to give me a correct path and a right direction.

    So if you feel it is hard to share with your friends then obviously you can share it with counsellors too.


    Improving self-esteem is a journey that requires self-reflection, effort, and consistent practice. By understanding the factors influencing self-esteem and implementing practical strategies, you can cultivate a positive self-image and embrace your true worth. Remember, building self-esteem is not an overnight process, but with dedication and perseverance, you can embark on a path of personal growth, resilience, and empowerment.

    Embrace the journey, celebrate your achievements, and step into a future where self-esteem thrives.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q: What are some tips for dealing with low self-esteem?

    A: Challenge negative self-talk, practice self-care, seek support from others, and focus on personal growth.

    Q: How can I improve my self-esteem?

    A: Set realistic goals, practise self-compassion, surround yourself with positive influences, and prioritise self-care.

    Q: What are the causes of low self-esteem?

    A: Factors such as negative self-talk, past experiences, social influences, and criticism can contribute to low self-esteem.

    Q: How do I know if I have low self-esteem?

    A: Signs of low self-esteem include self-criticism, constant self-doubt, fear of failure, and seeking approval from others.

    Q: What are 5 ways to build self-esteem?

    A: Challenge negative thoughts, set achievable goals, practise self-care, surround yourself with positive people, and seek support when needed.

    Q: What are the 7 pillars of self-esteem?

    A: The 7 pillars of self-esteem, as outlined by Nathaniel Branden, include self-acceptance, self-responsibility, self-assertiveness, self-compassion, living consciously, personal integrity, and the practice of living purposefully.

    Q: What are the 3 C's for building self-esteem?

    A: The 3 C's for building self-esteem are: competence (developing skills and capabilities), connection (forming healthy relationships), and contribution (making a positive impact).

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