How to stay focused

Approx 80-90% of the world's population lacks focus and faces distractions in life. 

How to stay focused

That's mostly common among teenagers where focus and distractions matter a lot. 

Even 90% of the population still extend their working deadlines due to laziness or having sufficient time. 

But is that actually right skipping your work just for fun and short term enjoyment can be a really big cause. 

This is the common scenario that we all have in our life. We all lack focus, we get distracted easily and that's our biggest problem. 

When there is a problem there is a solution too, so Lacking focus can be a problem but has a solution so stay tuned till the end and find out how you can stay focused.

For a person who is working for his goals always has to stay focused because distractions can harm him a lot. 

We all have been in a situation where we feel very bored doing our work, we feel lazy and try to skip it. 

It feels good and relaxing to skip our work but it's not good for our career as it increases work load and lowers our productivity.

Here are the 7 ways that will help you in increasing your focus level and productivity to a higher level.

7 ways to stay focused 

1. Have a Plan of your work 

The first step to stay focused  in life is to set a full plan of your work. Planning is important as planning gives direction. 

Set a plan that suits you, don't go to YouTube for a good time table, analyse your daily routine and find out where you consume most of your time. 

Planning is necessary while you work for your goals and becomes important when you get distracted easily.

Set a plan, create a to-do list for the work that you are planning to do ahead, make your plan and follow it on a regular basis. 

Set a plan that contains prior work first and the rest of work later. Having a plan can have many benefits. 

5 benefits of having a plan 

  1. It clears your path, as you know what you have to do.
  2. Makes you focus on important work first.
  3. It improves your working and makes you more productive.
  4. Helps you in avoiding distractions as you know what you have to do first. 
  5. Having a plan and continuously working for it saves your time.

2. Regular Meditation 

It is said that If you want to rule this world then first conquer yourself and there are many ways you can do that. 

Meditation is the necessity of today's society and we can't deny the fact that meditation alone can solve almost 80% of life problems easily. 

Meditation is the easiest way to keep yourself productive, focused & attentive. It has many benefits that can help you in making your life much better.

5 benefits of doing meditation

  1. It deals with controlling stress and anxiety.
  2. Makes your brain more stable.
  3. It increases your thinking capabilities.
  4. Makes you deal with hard problems easily.
  5. One can easily focus on prior things first.

3. Be hard on yourself 

In order to achieve your desired goals you have to be hard on yourself, you have to build a strong mindset and high strength character. 

Leave all your distractions and just focus on one single goal, raise all your power only in one direction. 

There's a beautiful quote  that states " once you set up goals in life then all your focus must be on that single thing, nothing more than that".

Don't be that typical guy who wants to become a millionaire but has so many relationships, busy with smartphones and continuously wasting time.

In order to be the best version of yourself you have to leave all your distractions behind and need to be serious.

The best way to stay focused is to leave all your distractions as much as you can.

4. Break your goals 

One of the main reasons why we feel bored or less focused is we try to accomplish a big part of a task. 

That's where we do wrong, our brain hates doing complex and big works, he hates doing work that is tough. 

It's easier to break a stone than to break a whole mountain, so if you're dreaming of something big then start with some small steps.

So what you have to do is break the given work into small slots don't go for the big part, just start by accomplishing the small one. 

Breaking your work in small slots will make you more productive, efficient, focused and you will not feel bored to do that work. 

4. Set up a workplace 

Workplace and environment matters the most when it comes to focus and concentration. 

So when you are supposed to do your work then choose a workplace and try doing that particular work in the same place. 

This is a simple but effective technique and yes it works so set up a workplace that's free from distractions.

Chose a place that suits the below conditions  

  1. You can stay alone 
  2. It can be your personal room or you can go with nature because no one can make you relaxed other than the beautiful chirping of birds.
  3. Your workplace must be clean and clear. 

5. Manage your time 

Time is said to be the most precious asset that a human can ever have in his life. 

Yes it's even true because once if time is gone then it never comes back and we all know that till now we have wasted thousands of minutes. 

One of the major side effects of  distractions is it wastes your time. Once you get distracted you can't come out from the chain.

For example Instagram once you get stuck in the reels section then you scroll it continuously without knowing that you are wasting your time.

Managing time is important because time is one of the most important assets of a successful person. 

Don't waste your time because every minute that you are wasting is making you more far from your success.

6. Challenge yourself 

Life is all about the competition that we have not from the outsiders but from the inside soul.

Don't compete with others, compete with yourself, fight with yourself for the good and benefits of your life. 

Everyday must be a war between you and your inner soul just do and die. 

Compete with yourself, avoid everything that distracts you, increase your working hours, don't listen to your brain, don't relax, just work.

If you want to be a successful person then work like you are broken down, compete with yourself to make yourself stronger. 

7. Set deadlines 

Deadlines are one of the best ways to stay productive and to finish your task in a given amount of time.

As psychology says the more you will give time to your work the more it will get extended so don't do that.

Set up a timer of 59 mins and start working. No calls, no messages, no nothing, just in peace do your work.

Soon you will realise that your focus is at another level, so set deadlines when you have a lot of work to finish.

Daily routine 

• Manage your daily routine

Daily routine plays an important role because whatever we do reflects our behaviour and mindset.

So optimise your daily routine, analyse what you do throughout your day and find out where you consume most of your time.

Then start optimising that particular slot i.e if you spend 4-5 hours on instagram then try reducing it to 1-2 hours. 

This will almost save your 1-2 hours that you can use in completing other work.

People also ask for 

What are distractions in life? 

Distractions are the slopes or breakers that take you far away from your success.

Distractions are something that distracts you and divert your attention from your work. 

What are some everyday distractions? 

A few can be the everyday distractions that we all have 

  • Use of Smartphone 
  • Watching TV 
  • Social media platforms
  • Netflix accounts 
  • A serious relationship like love or crush 
  • Family or friends 

How do I prevent distractions in my life?

With some simple steps you can easily do that:- 

  • Avoid multitasking
  • Focus on new skill 
  • Plan up your whole day
  • Manage your time 
  • Keep your prior things first

Is social media a distraction? 

The answer is quite mixed social media is a platform that offers vast knowledge and entertainment, it's the way you saw. 

Using it for learning something new can be a good option but just for entertainment purposes social media is absolutely a distraction.


It's all about how we react to certain situations, distractions are nothing. 

But something that's harmful for our career if not stopped at the right time.

We can't do that in a single day but with some simple steps and regular improvements you can soon do that too.

Good day:)

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  1. A truly well-written article!

    Best wishes for your happy and healthy life,
