3 Steps to Increase Your Chances of Success (Even When You Fail)

3 advanced ways with which you can increase your chances of success, today we are deeply diving into the topic that was talked about a lot in public.

3 Steps to Increase Your Chances of Success (Even When You Fail)

Everyone wants success in their life. You want success and this society wants to excel from their own competition and even I want to get success. 

So let's define success a little bit and what it means for me. 

Definition Of Success

Success is a state where everything starts getting resolved, all your current problems are solved and you are one inch away from completing your dreams.

Success is termed as the most precious thing in our society and no doubt it is because you are achieving your goals after months of hard work and sometimes hard work of years too.

So for everyone there is a different meaning of success, like in my case I believe that I will consider myself successful when I am financially strong to fulfil all my dreams, when I can buy everything that I want, the day when I would be able to serve a very nice lifestyle to parents, I would consider myself as a successful person. 

I am damn sure that you too have same definition for success but the road to success is isn't easy as writing this article because you have to deal with critics, you have to deal with problems, you have to deal with lack of motivation, you have to deal with lack of discipline and at the end you have to fight with yourself.

When a person does all these things then at the end he becomes successful, obviously hard work, dedication and consistency are the much needed skills.

So let's now understand the importance of being prepared for success and why you should do full proof planning ?

Importance of being prepared for success.

There is a well known quote that truly justifies this situation and that is Success has many fathers but failure has no one. 

Remember my friend when you are successful then this society will praise you, people will clap for you, they will appreciate your efforts and if you missed your success then no one literally no one other than your parents will support you in that hard face.

So, before entering this war we should be enough mentally and physically strong enough to deal with all these things and at the end if you lose you can handle yourself. 

The importance of being prepared for success is that you don't have to worry about your result. When you know everything about success then at the end learning is what matters a lot. 

So it's important to understand the key points of success and let yourself prepare for facing problems that are waiting for you.

Let's now get into the top 3 ways with which you can boost your success chances and these 3 tips will surely take you an inch closer to your goals. 

3 Advance ways to excel your success 

1. Set SMART goals.

SMART goals stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound goals. 

If you see our previous blog posts then we have discussed how you can set goals in your life but this is something different. It's about setting smart goals. 

So let's break each segment of SMART goals.

Specific: What do you want to achieve?

First of all you need to specify your goals, you can't just picture your dream and start working on your goals, you need to have a proper roadmap, a proper goal about how you are gonna achieve that dream.

Let's suppose your dream is to get financially strong then there are a lot of ways to achieve this goal. You can start with setting up a small business and later converting it to something big, you can find a job or you can go for a startup.

So you must have a proper goal.

Measurable: How will you track your progress?

See, goals without planning and measuring are just a dream, therefore it's important that you should not do the same as what other people do. 

You have to track your goals and there are various ways with which you can track your goals, like you can go for daily journaling apart from journaling you can for diary writing where you can write what efforts and steps that you have taken to fulfil your goals 

Achievable: Is your goal realistic?

Are your goals achievable, sometimes in a high spirit and in excitement we tend to decide goals that are beyond limit. So sharing a story from my school days.

During our Faq ( Formative assessment Question Test )  I got less marks and as I was angry I decided that I will do hard work and study all my syllabus.

So after coming back from schools, I just start reading and learning a bundle of books, I mean there were 5-7 books kept on my study table and I have decided that I will learn everything but ya that was an impossible tasks and at the end I lost it, after reading for hours and I just give up.

Therefore don't take any decision or set goals when you are emotional otherwise you will always gonna lose it.

Relevant: How does your goal fit into your overall vision for success?

Ask yourself how your goals comply with your dreams, suppose if you wanna become a doctor then taking commerce would not be suitable for you because you have to take bio for that. Similarly for Engineering you can't take Biology  you have To take PCM that's physics, chemistry and mathematics.

So choose your goals that fit your overall vision of success.

Time-bound: When do you want to achieve your goal?

Remember time also plays a very important role and therefore you are suggested to take proper measures to save your time and utilise your time properly for your goals.

All your Goals are nothing if you are not properly giving them time.

So that was all about setting SMART goals in your life. Now let's move on to the second way with which you can advance your chances of success.

2. Develop a positive mindset.

The second way is building a positive mindset as said earlier that the road to success isn't easy as we think you have to deal with a lot of problems, a lot of hurdles will come in your way and in order to save yourself from all these goals it's important to keep a positive mentality.

Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.

The first and foremost step you can take is to believe in yourself. During tough times and complicated situations it's really important that you must believe in yourself. 

Believe and you're halfway there this is a famous quote by Franklin Roosevelt and I always remember this quote when I lack self belief.

Focus on the positive aspects of your life and goals.

Sometimes we are so deeply indulged in success and failures that we even forget to live our life and we forget to see a broader aspect of life and that is positivity.

See when you are on the road of self improvement then obviously sometimes you will face failures and sometimes you will be gifted with success and between success and failures it's your duty that you should maintain neutral and positive aspects.

Instead of getting over excited during your success phase and being depressed during your failure phase it's very much important to keep a neutral side and believe in yourself. 

Think like this that everything is happening for a winning cause.

See challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

I have seen many real life examples where people are so much feared from failures that they don't even work on their plan and really that's something that needs to be corrected.

What is success is nothing but a new chapter after failure. A person who has tried one more time is successful, that's the only difference between a loser and a successful person. 

Successful person tries one more time even when they are failing again and again they still don't give up, One of the best example of this process is Elon Musk he has tried 3 times but in the first 2 attempt he failed and he was on the edge of bankrupt but in the third attempt he became successful and at the end became the richest person of this whole world. 

Do it in your own way. Don't forget that Elon Musk is an ordinary person who has started from 0, Apple started from zero, companies like Coca cola started from zero then why should we shy to start with 0.

Start now, otherwise you will regret it in future.

3. Take action.

Last but not the least everything that you read on the internet and motivational videos that you watch are nothing if you are not ready to make any efforts from your side.

My friend pictured that you went fishing and you are sitting at the shore of a river and imagining that you have got a lot of fish but is that actually true.

Not at all because you have to put in effort from your side and that's the only way with which you can get closer to your goals.

So instead of just sitting and waiting for success it's important that you take steps if not big steps then take baby steps but move closer to your goals.

Also remember that you have to stay persistent and don't give up easily because ultimately it's a test of your patience and perseverance, the more pressure you can handle the more you will shine.

So do something, keep moving.


So those were the 3 tips that would help you in dealing with failures and will bring you an inch closer to your goals. 

I believe that success is all about our efforts and hardwork but sometimes we can't make it, so you don't have to stay depressed, sometimes your hard work pays off at the right moment.

So do hard work, work with consistency and wait for the right time.

That's all .

Have a great day

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