What are habits ? | how to create good habits

Habits play an important role in our life as they reflect what our future will be, whatever we do today decides what we will be in our future.

What are habits ? | how to create good habits

Maybe you have heard that good habits build good character and to build a good character we must look for good habits.

Habits play an important role in success but how ?

Let's get into it.

    Meaning of habits 

    The activities that you do in your daily life can be considered your habits.

    For example, scrolling down social media, watching Netflix, eating junk food, late sleep and much more.

    In short, whatever activity you do in your whole day can be considered your habit.

    How do habits affect our life ?

    Habits actually affect our life but nobody focuses on them, whatever you do today decides what you will be.

    For example consider an example you are having a bad habit of being lazy then nobody can help you from this.

    Being lazy in life will just give you failure, disrespect, stress & anxiety.

    On the other hand having a good habit of exercise can make you healthy as you are continuously doing workout and marking your life better.

    5 habits that every successful person follows in their daily routine, find out whether you have these 5 habits ?

    In short the daily activities you do possess what you will be in your future.

    Benefits Of Building New habits

    Let's know discuss some benefits of good habits and how they create positive impact in our lives 1. Good habits helps us in coming out from negativity : When we are deeply indulged in bad habits then at that moment creating new good habits will help you in fighting with your old habits and will make you more positive in life

    2. Good habits help in creating a change: We generally tend to follow the same routine and when you develop a good habit you tend to become more proactive and productive since you add something new in your daily routine.

    3. Boosts your physical health: adding habits like exercise and yoga in your daily routine will make you healthy and fit. These Habits will help you in shaping your body and will make you an energetic person. 4. Good habits boosts mental health: Good habits like meditation, mindfulness breathing makes your mind more relaxed, you will become more active, more intelligent as well as more efficient in your daily work. Exercises like meditation give you mental peace.

    5. Increase in self discipline: One of the basic rules of habits is that you have to stay consistent with them no matter how you feel and there comes discipline in actions. Performing good habits daily will also boost your self discipline.

    A complete to boost your self discipline, believe in yourself, be tough and make yourself better.

    6. Good habits boost your productivity: Good habits help you in stabilising your routine, with good habits you can control your day, you can control your time and find out the best ways to manage your time. Good habits help you in setting a routine and make you productive. So that was all about the benefits of setting up new habits let's find out how you can create good habits.

    Complete guide to keep you productive, find out top and effective ways with which you can boost your productivity to a higher extinct.

    How to create good habits ?

    Creating good habits is a very tough task that most people think of , but the reality is totally different.

    Building good habits is very simple , you just need to follow some simple tips and you are done.

    1. Make your habits interesting

    Our mind doesn't like to do boring things. He just wants enjoyment, but this can't be possible every time.

    Building habits seems quite boring to our mind so the best way to engage your mind is to make your habits more interesting.

    For example you want to build a habit of reading books but your mind feels bored then you may go for book summaries on YouTube.

    That's the best way to make your habits interesting. You can even go for a reward system.

    Doing exercise seems boring but set a timer of 20 min and after that you will check your social media or something that you are interested in.

    2. Follow habits that can build your future 

    Self improvement is the key to development and it becomes important that we should build a better future.

    Focus on those habits that are helpful in building your future. Create those habits which give you satisfaction.

    Those habits which you think are good for your future , try to implement them in your daily life.

    Example:- Reading books to increase your knowledge, listening to podcasts, learning new things about certain topics, personality development, etc.

    Don't go for each and every habit, just focus on how you can improve your present and future. 

    3. Make easy habits

    As mentioned earlier, our mind doesn't like hard things. He avoids hard work and prefers enjoyment and rest.

    On that note you must go for easy habits, don't go for habits that you can't follow and nearly seem impossible to you.

    Start with something small and then increase your level.

    4. Be real to your habits 

    Now you have decided what habits you are gonna build but without consistency it's not possible.

    You should have a good knowledge about what your habits are . Make your habits clear . You should think that the habits you are following are good for you . 

    Be real to your habits, follow them honestly, don't ever think to skip them as it's your personal loss. 

    How To Break Bad Habits ?

    Finding bad habits is not a big deal like bad habits can easily be observed and if you are reading this article then for sure you are aware of all your bad habits. 

    For readers instance bad habits are generally those habits that's reducing your productivity and makes you less efficient, these habits includes scrolling social media, stuck in comfort zone, overthinking, laziness and getting tempted from unusual activities and so on. 

    So now the second question is how to break these bad habits. The answer is just simple, you have to be consistent and follow some tips. 

    1. Make your habits invisible:

    The first and foremost way is you have to make your habits invisible. 

    For example, you have a habit of checking your phone again and again so what you can do is keep your phone far away from where you are doing your work. Like if you are working in your room then keep your phone in the sitting area or far away so that you can't reach it. 

    Do it for all other bad habits.

    2. Realise that bad habits are harming you :

    We generally take bad habits as granted but this is our big mistake.

    We have to understand that these bad habits are actually harming us, bad habits like laziness and procrastination are killing our time. Habits like Comfort zones make us mentally weak.

    Therefore we have to be serious and invest our rest of our lives carefully. You have to take responsibility for your life, then only you can break bad habits.

    3. Control Yourself 

    The third way to break bad habits is to control yourself. When we try to break any bad habit then during that phase we generally tend to get tempted by these bad habits.

    For example you have decided that you will not use social media anymore but after a few hours a thought popped up in your head that let's see if someone messaged me, i will only see my inbox and nothing.

    When you open your social media accounts then you get stuck again in the same routine. Therefore it's very important that you should control your temptations.

    Don't let these thoughts ruin your self control, be determined, be focused. 

    Following the above three ways will help you in breaking bad habits.

    If you wanna know more and are looking for a detailed guide on breaking bad habits then I happily recommend you to check one of my articles on how you can break bad habits. Check now !

    Importance of consistency in building good habits 

    Consistency plays a very important role in habit building and it's a universal fact that good habits generally take time while bad habits don't take much time.

    In order to build good habits research shows that at least a person has to consistently work on his Habits for at least 21 days.

    That means for 21 days you have to stay consistent, you have to work with consistency on your habits.

    When you are consistent then only you can form new habits otherwise there is no possible way to build good habits.

    If you are thinking of building a new habit and then you are not putting consistent effort then all your hardwork will get wasted.

    So create a schedule, work with consistency and that's all you are done. That's how you can form new habits with consistency.

    Instead of working hard on your habits for one day and resting for the other day try to work regularly on each day for at least 21 days. 

    Lacking consistency in your day to day routine, don't worry because we got you. Here's a complete guide on how to stay consistent with goals and habits.

    Doing this consistently will make you better in your life and with consistency you can achieve your desired habits.

    How to deal with challenges ?

    So the road to building new habits is not easy since you have to deal with your mental pressure, you have to deal with temptations, you have to deal with distractions, you have to control your mind and so on.

    That's why building new habits is considered hard but it's not impossible and I believe that you will surely be able to achieve your desired habits if you will work hard, with consistent efforts with a lot of willpower.

    On the way of building new habits it's very essential to be mentally strong because this is a game of mental strength and how much you can resist yourself from temptations.

    As much as you can resist yourself the more you will get closer to your goals.

    Therefore you must avoid getting tempted by bad habits, keep them invisible, be mentally strong and try to avoid negative thoughts and thoughts that distract you from your ultimate purpose.

    Frequently asked questions

    1. What are 10 good habits?

    Here are ten examples of good habits:

    1. Reading books or listening to podcasts for personal growth.

    2. Engaging in regular exercise and meditation for physical and mental well-being.

    3. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

    4. Practising good time management skills.

    5. Waking up early and going to bed early for a productive routine.

    6. Setting and working towards specific goals.

    7. Cultivating a positive mindset and practising gratitude.

    8. Prioritising self-improvement and learning new skills.

    9. Maintaining a clean and organised living space.

    10. Being punctual and respecting other people's time.

    2. How can you develop good habits?

    Here are some tips on developing good habits, which include:

    1. Making habits interesting to engage the mind.

    2. Focusing on habits that contribute to your future and personal development.

    3. Starting with easy habits and gradually increasing the level of difficulty.

    4. Being consistent and committed to the chosen habits.

    3. What's the 21 90 rule?

    The 21/90 rule suggests that it takes 21 days to build a habit and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change. This rule encourages individuals to commit to a new habit for 21 consecutive days to solidify it, and then continue practising it for the next 90 days to make it a long-lasting part of their routine.

    4. How to create a habit in 7 days?

    Some people believe that focusing intensely on a new habit for seven days can kick start the process of habit formation, but it may not necessarily become fully ingrained in such a short timeframe.

    5. Does a 21-day habit work?

    The 21-day rule is a common belief, but the actual time required to form a habit can vary from person to person and habit to habit. Some habits may take longer than 21 days to become automatic, while others might solidify more quickly.

    6. Why 21 days to break a habit?

    The notion of breaking a habit in 21 days is also a popular belief, but like forming a habit, breaking a habit is highly individualised and may take more or less time depending on the habit's complexity and the individual's commitment to change.

    7. Why 40 days for a habit?

    The idea of 40 days for forming a habit is another time frame that some people believe is necessary for habit formation. This duration is based on religious and cultural practices and may not have a scientific basis for all habits.

    8. Does it take 40 days to form a habit?

    There is no fixed timeline for habit formation, and the time it takes to develop a habit can vary. While some habits might take 40 days or longer to become automatic, others might take less time.

    9. How do I permanently stop bad habits?

    There are three ways with which a person can break bad habits. Firstly make your habits invisible, keep them as far away as possible so that it becomes unreachable for you, second step is that you have to develop self discipline, you have to stop yourself from getting tempted by these bad habits and the third way is to take responsibility for your life. 

    10. What are the top 10 bad habits?

    Here are some common ones:

    - Procrastination

    - Excessive consumption of junk food or sugary drinks

    - Smoking

    - Nail-biting

    - Excessive screen time

    - Oversleeping or poor sleep habits

    - Negative self-talk or self-criticism

    - Unhealthy coping mechanisms (e.g., emotional eating)

    - Chronic lateness or poor time management

    - Excessive use of social media

    11. Why am I developing bad habits?

    There can be various reasons for developing bad habits, including stress, lack of awareness, boredom, coping with emotions, social influences, or lack of positive alternatives. Understanding the root causes can help in addressing and replacing these habits with more positive ones.

    12. What is a good habit?

    A good habit is a positive behaviour or action that contributes to personal growth, well-being, and overall success. Good habits are beneficial for individuals, their relationships, and their goals.

    13. What are the habits for success?

    Habits for success can include setting clear goals, practising discipline and consistency, being proactive, continuously learning and improving, prioritising time management, seeking feedback, maintaining a positive mindset, and staying persistent in the face of challenges. These habits can help individuals achieve their objectives and lead to personal and professional success.


    So that was a complete guide on habits and how you can create good habits in your daily life. If found this post helpful then comment your views, I would love to hear your voice and opinions.

    That's all for now . See you in the next one :)

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